Yesterday I ran a couple of road miles in the VFF's. I've had them now for nearly a month and have worked diligently to break them in...slowly. I began by wearing them around the house, to the store, walking to the park, etc. Then doing my INSANITY workouts in them made my calves pretty sore - unfortunately, I stayed at a hotel with lots of stairs and was in a wedding wearing *gasp* high HEELS directly after. But my baby sis is worth it!
Anyway - the calves are extra special sore today, but fortunately I received my Super Sexy Calf Sleeves in the mail...those helped. And hey, most of the children refused to be seen with me while wearing them, win/win.
Back to the training.
I have my Friday Fitness class at church tonight. We've been doing Walk Away the Pounds, but every few weeks I bring something a little different and a bit more challenging. Tonight we are going to do Kenpo X. That will save my legs for tomorrow and still give me a great workout. I'll need all the help I can get - nice climb between miles 1 and 3.
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