10k - 1:05:33 (6.23 miles @ 10:31/mi)
Well...I guess I made my goal. Hmphf. My initial goal was to come in under 1:06 and I did that...but my super secret goal was a flat 1:00:00 10k. My strategy was to warm up slowly in that first mile, then tackle the hill in mile 2, recover in mile 3 and then bust rear in the final three to come in at or under 1 hour.
I shot out of the gate and covered that first mile in 9:54. This is such a rookie mistake, arg! By that time I was facing the Big Hill and I was so happy with a sub 10 mile that I refused to slow down. Near the top of the hill I found a woman that had a 1 hour time goal as well, and kept pace with her until right after the 3rd mile.
Hey - fastest 5K of my LIFE.
Anyway, I decided to slow down and settle in to a nice even pace to finish strong. I did my very best and since I shaved :30/mi off my 10K race time of just 8 weeks ago, I'm happy with progress.
Now it's time to buckle down, tighten the belt, suck it up, put the nose to the grindstone, and all the other cliches you can think of.
It's Half Marathon Training Time, baby!
Great job!!! I wasn't expecting all of the hills and they were butt kickers. You did great!