Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yoga Day

Day 55 - Yoga X

Last day of my "Rest Week." Tomorrow will be a total rest day and then I move on to the 3rd and final phase of this program. I will wait until day 60 to take photos (you have been warned). I can see more definition in my back and arms - but my weight is the same and my waist and hips haven't budged. *shrug*

I'm amazed at how much better I can complete this routine. I know, I know, I say that a lot - but it's true! I am much stronger and more flexible than I was when I started. I can get IN to poses that I just rolled my eyes at before, and can HOLD poses that I could barely get in to before. I don't necessarily look forward to it (after all, it is 90min long), but I don't dread it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Crazy Core

Day 54 - Core Synergistics

Oh yes...the lovely, hour long, core workout. It's getting better, but dang. It was hard to get my mind right for this workout, after having a stressful day. The Monday after a holiday always makes children crazy. Once I settled in and cleared my mind, things went by more quickly.

I burned 450kcal, then had supper which was 477kcal. Do I win?? So much for this being a rest week - I will be happy to go back to heavy lifting, heaving up on the chin up bar, and maxing out to face plant on push ups.

Senor Scale was a grande pendejo for the weigh in today. He seems to think I have gained 3.6lbs in the last week. Hmmm....let's see - 3500 calories to a pound X 3.6 = 12,600 EXTRA calories I consumed last week?!? I don't think so. No, friends, I only had pie for supper once. It was good pie - but not 12,600 worth. I'm certain things will even out. But if I see a number like that again, I may not survive the shock.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Day 53 - X Stretch

I needed this, today. I only managed to get 45 out of the 55 minutes in before my babes woke up - but that's okay. I get all stressed out when I can't do things "exactly" right - that has to stop. Tis better to do something most of the way than to not do it at all.

Made some Turkey and Wild Rice soup with our left overs from Thanksgiving. I was going to fast until lunch today - but last time I did that on a Sunday it was hard to concentrate on the sermon. I kept thinking about lunch! I don't know...I might not be cut out for Intermittent Fasting. I so look forward to breakfast in the morning. Most of the time, I wake up with my stomach rumbling. I shall practice the post-dinner fast first!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Running On

Day 52 - Kenpo X

Once again, I traded in the Kenpo for a run down the trail. I really love running, especially outside, and today was 55 degrees and crisp. I worked and worked all summer long for times like I'm running now - and I only run every other week or so. I burned several hundred calories, and got some time to myself. Nice.

Friday, November 26, 2010

My Stronger Heart

Day 51 - Core Synergistics

Stepping on the scale this morning wasn't the horror show I had expected after Thanksgiving. I hadn't eaten much for supper and was quite hungry this morning! I had a terrible *wonderful* brunch of ham, sweet potatoes and creamed onions...but atoned for that, fully, by doing this workout.

I was much more capable during this routine. I first did this DVD a month ago on my last one week rest cycle. I HATED it. An hour of core work is tough! I'm happy to report less hatred and even a bit more ability to do the exercises. Interesting comparison to the first time I completed this routine:

Calories Burned: 450
Max HR: 181
Average HR: 137
Calories Burned: 580
Max HR: 188
Average HR: 150

While I, obviously, burned less calories - it's apparently because my heart is stronger and didn't work as hard during this workout - reflected in my lower average heart rate. I've been down in the dumps because my weight is not coming down with all of this work, so being able to focus on increased cardio-vascular strength is going to keep me pushing play for another day.

(/|\) - Peace - by my Mini-Me

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Day 50 - Yoga X

Today starts another week of "rest." I wouldn't call 90 minutes of Yoga X rest! My husband and I got up early and put got the turkey going, then I retreated to the basement and "pushed play." It was the perfect way to start a lovely day. We had lots of food that I wouldn't otherwise make or eat. I'm afraid to weigh myself tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Seven Weeks

Day 49 - Rest or X Stretch

Wow! Next week is another "rest week." A couple of Yoga sessions, some Core Synergisitcs, a little Kenpo...and not a moment to soon. It actually took me 4 weeks to complete this last 3 weeks of the program. I fought Bronchitis and had to do week 6 over.

Its a little disconcerting to know there's only 11 days until I have to take pictures again. I haven't seen ANY change in the numbers. I know I'm getting stronger, but it sure seems strange that my weight hasn't dropped a bit. Maybe after my recovery week, the waist and hip measurements will come down a little. Either way - I've decided that I'm going to see it through - no matter what.

Tis the Season

Day 48 - Kenpo X

Having some fatigue issues and still dealing with, what I assume, is a pulled muscle in my back. No workout for me today. I had planned on a run, but it was 15 degrees today. Probably better this way. When I get this worn out, workouts feel like absolute drudgery and torture. Why do it, then?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Back is Back

Day 47 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X

Well, after staying up late to plan our school week and getting up at 5:30 with fussy babies, this workout was a dud when I did it at 5pm. I completed 50 / 60 minute routine and skipped the Abs tape. I've had this weird thing in my back bugging me too and it was flaring up. When I started feeling like my legs were gonna give out, I knew it was time to quit. Had to rest in Child's Pose for a bit before climbing the stairs.

Got my heart rate monitor back from the repair shop - so I'll post my results.

Calories burned - 410
Average HR - 137
Max HR - 180

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Yoga

Day 46 - Yoga X

I was only able to do 45 minutes of this awesome 90min routine. My baby boy has had ear infections, my baby girl is coughing and my DH went to urgent care with strep throat! I figured I wouldn't have long to exercise today, and after a couple of phone calls (!!) I managed to get half of it done before the baby woke up. Hubby is great with the kids - but he's contagious!

My main thing is to not freak out - relax - and realize that I DID try.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Feeling Like Popeye

Day 45 - Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X

Just wanted to point out that this overweight, 34 year old, babysitting, home schooling, mother of 4 is HALF WAY through one of the toughest home workout routines!! I feel really good about that! I haven't done everything perfectly - and have had to take a day off here and there - but I have stuck with it. If I can fit fitness in to MY routine, ANYONE can!

Working on the "Glamor Muscles" as Tony calls them. Back and Biceps is all about pull ups and curls - go figure! I like this routine and feel good that I can do more and more each time.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Skipping It

Day 44 - Plyometrics

I didn't get my workout in today. Just like everyone - sometimes it just doesn't fit. Our 18mo old has been sick all week and today I took him to the doctor at 3:30, which is when I normally start cleaning up and begin dinner. I then workout around 5:30 while the family *hopefully* enjoys supper. I was going to squeeze it in at nap time since my daycare kids were all going home early - but it's a good thing I didn't as Cameron woke up crying, snotty, needy and premature from his rest. Turns out he had a double ear infection. Poor baby! First time on anti-biotics. I'm pretty happy that it took till he was 1 and a half, though.

*Sigh* I'm an athlete, a hard worker, a woman with a goal in mind. However, I am a Momma too. Last night when I was downstairs lifting weights - I could hear my youngest crying and fussing. He's been sick all week and it was hard for me to be away from him while being "selfish." So...I sat in the rocker and held my baby instead of exercising. Sue me.

Tomorrow, I will fit it in. Nothing in my way...yet.

Clap for It

Day 43 - Shoulders Chest & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

T.I.R.E.D today. Our kids have all been sick (and we have taken our turns as well) and the nights sleep hasn't been "full." I was happy to do more reps on all of the push ups. I has putting lotion on my arms the other day and was kind of freaked out at how the muscles feel under my skin. I am still doing *most* of the push ups on my knees (girlie!). BUT I did NINE clapping push ups in a row. That is a victory for me. I can't quite do a one handed push up yet - but that's coming!

Skipped the Ab Ripper vid. Didn't want to...and didn't.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Day 42 - Rest or X Stretch

I did a little stretching today - but not the X Stretch video. My back is in varying degrees of agony on a lot of days, so I always do some yoga style stretching most days.

I decided to do a little fasting today. I skipped breakfast and a.m. snack, and it didn't kill me. Maybe a little fast 2 days a week will remind my body that it does have a metabolism. I don't want to cut calories ultra-low on all days so this is the next best option.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cardio How You Want It

Day 41 - Kenpo X

With my back being so wonky, I didn't want to twist at the waist and throw punches today. I really miss running, that I jumped at the chance to hit the streets as an alternative. It was 48 degrees with leaves falling. Just the sound of my footfalls and peace! I was 20sec/mile faster this time that two weeks ago. Today's 2.1 mile run was the fastest I've ever run.

When I bought P90X, my motivation was to loose weight to be a faster runner. I haven't lost a pound. I have lost inches and body fat percentage - so I deduce that I am comprised of more muscle than I was when I started. Though that is a very good thing, I admit - I'm very disappointed that I haven't lost any pounds. I knew going in that P90X is NOT a weight loss program. Though, I thought that through the simple calorie deficit equation, I could make it work. So far...not so.

But if I can run faster in the end - then I'll be happy!!

Knowing When

Day 40 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

Had a hard time with my back this week. I have a chronic issue that comes back and then I also pulled a muscle behind my rib cage earlier this week. After doing Yoga yesterday, I thought I had it under control. I spent quite a bit of time on the heating pad, and even got a rest during nap time.

I was really surprised when I felt so bad I had to quit during Legs & Back. I'm accustomed to the feeling you get when you push yourself. You pause, take a drink of water, and go on. This was more of leaning over, feeling like I was going to drop. I made it 40/60min and skipped the Ab Ripper tape. I was so wasted, I got cleaned up, had a small bowl of soup and went to bed about 8:30!

Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Half Moon

Day 39 - Yoga X

I made it! I REALLY didn't want to workout today, and even tried to push it to the last minute...but went ahead anyhow. My back was really painful today - and frankly - I knew that Yoga would help. I made it into a more advanced pose that I had previously not been able to. And I held it for 15 seconds! Glad that I went ahead and got it done.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sore Muscles Trade-Off

Day 38 - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

My legs are SO SORE today from all the squatting and jumping yesterday. Holy crow. Our 3yo jumped on my lap and I about screamed! Yikes. Today's workout was, mercifully, and upper body focus. Curls and pull ups dominated the routine. I'm sore in the chest from all the push ups on Thursday, so - thank you TH for the favor!

Went and purchased a new tape measure today. Right before my 30 day report, mine went missing. I'm hoping this doesn't work out like when you buy a new scale...that can be maddening!

Tomorrow - yoga...if I can move.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jump Jump

Day 37 - Plyometrics

Glad to have moved on in to day 2 in week 6. I did this workout in the scant hour that our 18mo old slept this afternoon. I wish that kid would learn to sleep like the 2 and 3 year olds. Anyway - I don't normally squeeze it in that way, but wanted to take the kids swimming this evening. Being Friday, my school-aged kids completed their assignments early and didn't need much help this afternoon.

I was able to catch a little more air on the first set of moves this time around. I tired rather quickly and even skipped the bonus 3 minutes of sports inspired moves at the end. Still coughing a bit and recovering, I guess. Had my New Recovery Drink afterward, which seems to be working rather well. One cup of skim milk with 1 TBS of local honey mixed in. I get the protein and the simple carbs that my muscles need - without the powdered drink question mark.

And - my 3 year old gets to lick the spoon from the honey!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 6 - Do Over

Day 36 (again) - Shoulders Chest and Triceps, Ab Ripper X

About 48hrs on antibiotics, with the spastic coughing episodes down to a minimum, I felt pretty good most of the day. I decided to start Week 6 over and take last week as a total down week. I tried to workout on Saturday and ended up coughing so much Sunday that I wound up in the Clinic on Monday. Partial completeness drives me wonk-o...so Do Over, I must.

I like this routine, but always feel like I can barely lift my water bottle when I'm done with it. Every variation of push-up and triceps extension imaginable, complete with a crazy move where you bend over and do a hand-stand sort of press up thing. Wowzer. I skipped the Ab Ripper X add-on today...I reasoned that I am not "all better" yet and an hour of upper body was enough for the sickie today.

I have put up a mirror to help with better form and while performing some of the moves today, I notice flexion right under my collar bones (those I just began to see this summer!). After much repetition and inspection, I've come to the conclusion, that those mysterious movements were the result of more defined chest muscles. Will wonders never cease?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cough On

Sick Day Recap

After beginning to cough again last night, coughing through out the night, then coughing and coughing all through church service and Sunday school...I decided to take today off. Again. I will likely call this week (which ends on Wednesday) a wash and starting over with Week 6 - Revisited on Thursday.

I may not finish the program by the 1st of the year, but it will be close. It goes against my anal retentive nature to re-do a week - but much more to do a partial week and then *gasp* count it as a full week.

The rub here, is staying on a good path nutritionally. I ordered some cookie dough from a little gal at church as a fundraiser, and have had one...okay one baked but untold nibbles of the dastardly dough lurking in the fridge. Must. Resist. Must. Get Well.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

More Adjustments

Day 36 - Shoulders Chest & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

I didn't count yesterday as a P90X day. I was still sick and needed the full rest. I debated about doing it today, but since I have been able to get some REAL rest (thanks to my husband), I went ahead. I'm coughing less and don't feel totally wiped.

This routine is hereby dubbed "Jelly Arms." There are just SO many stinking exercises. A whole hour of arms!? After the first few sets of push-ups, I'm already feeling weak. I use 5lb weights for all of the straight arms stuff, and only pick up my 8 pounders for the first few triceps moves. I've been maxing out at 12 or so push-ups, though. I remembered to do the Ab Ripper add on today, even though I didn't want to. There are 25 reps for each move, and I'm up to being able to do 20 on most exercises. *big smile*

This was actually my scheduled workout for Thursday. Plyo was set for Friday, and then Yoga for today. I need that calorie burn for Plyo, so I just adjusted accordingly. Wednesdays are a firm off day because of church commitments, so I will proceed with the week as if today were Day 1. I'm all freaked out about missing 2 days of workouts...like I'm going to make a huge error in the program. :eyeroll:

Who's a perfectionist? Not me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sick Day

Day 35 - Sick

I have a chest cold that I've been coughing through for a little while now. Today it got the better of me. I felt like I had an elephant standing on my chest, no energy, and didn't move to far from the couch most of the day. The kids were happy...pizza for lunch and minimal scholastic requirement. Not sure what I will do with my P90X schedule. I don't want to skip a day and move on, but I need to keep my day off on Wednesdays. I'm SUCH a perfectionist with scheduling...okay with a lot of things...why does it even matter? When I'm up to it, I will just move on!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rest and Think About Lifting

Day 34 - Rest or X Stretch

Funny how things flip, huh? In the beginning, I would lift and think about resting. Now, while I'm resting, I'm thinking about lifting. I'm anxious to get another crack at Shoulders Chest and Triceps tomorrow...and I will TRY to remember to do the Ab Ripper X add on, hmpf.

It's interesting to me, how many people lately have noticed my efforts. I haven't lost a thing since starting P90X, but people tell me frequently how "great I'm looking" lately. *BIG smile!* I haven't heard much from anyone in the last 20lbs. It's like everyone noticed those first 40 and then it just tapered off. Anyway - it must be the muscle building. Yay!

I also have noticed that I must be losing water weight. I seem to have "lost" 1.5lbs in two days. Now, I know that's not fat loss - so maybe the water retention issue is resolving. THAT would be nice. I have a partner for a 12wk Weight Loss Challenge that I have seriously let down lately. She's wonderful, and of course, isn't miffed. But you know how it is when you team up - I really want to keep up my end.

Here's to closing out week 5 of the program and heading valiantly into week 6!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Day 33 - Kenpo X

Okay, I didn't really do Kenpo today. I do loves me some Kuh-rah-tay - but I've been dreaming of running. :) When I started P90X, I decided to take a break from running and just do the program as it was written. Today I decided to deviate a little and get my cardio from a beautiful run in the fall air.

I was concerned that maybe I wouldn't be able to run very far since I haven't gone out for a month or so. Starting out slow, I quickly found I had to hold myself back to avoid a quick burn out! I had set out to do 2 miles, but when I got to the turn around, everything was clicking so nicely that I went to the 3 mile turn around. Right after mile 2, I hit a happy pace and felt I could have run forevah!

Tomorrow, a rest / stretch day - yay!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sultan of Squats

Day 32 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X

So many squats. Oof. I didn't sleep much last night, so working these large muscle groups took it's toll very quickly. I really like alternating between the pull-ups and the many variations of squats - I at least FEEL like I am getting a break. I was very against doing the Ab Ripper DVD today - but I was a good little girl and did it anyhow. I completed all but the last 5 minutes. I just couldn't do any more.

I've decided to stop taking the P90X Results and Recovery Formula drink. I posted another small gain for the third week in a row. I looked to the beachbody.com website for some explanation and decided that the Creatine in the drink is causing water retention in my muscles. This is a good thing during recovery, but can show as a bad thing on the scale. I will now be drinking a cup of skim milk with a tablespoon of honey mixed in as my protein/simple carb recovery drink. I know I'm getting leaner and stronger, but I want to see the scale results as well.