Saturday, August 20, 2011


Think I will do most of my blogging over at my "real life" blog - Life is Beautiful. I had initially started this blog to track my P90X journey, then my Half Marthon training, then Insanity. I felt that I didn't want to annoy people that just didn't care about my training.


Since my husband is a runner and cyclist, and there's even a group at church that runs, training permeates 75% of my life. At the beginning of this year, I decided to stop focusing on the last 15lbs I wanted to loose, and start enjoying my training life!

So - this blog will hang out and wait for me to change my mind again. For now, one blog will do - and it will probably be a little boring for those that don't train, have a bazillion kids running around, or home school, but it will be all about me. :)

I feel the sanity sinking in already!


  1. Hey I change my mind constantly! Remember breath and take one day at a time. The Lord will lead you on what to write for that day. Just let it come from your heart. Training or just running while homeschooling is a challenge!

  2. Hi! I am curious about what you are doing with home school and training. :) I am just starting the home school adventure too.

  3. Riana - welcome to the adventure!! This is our 3rd year and we have an 8th grader, 4th grader, and a reluctant pre-schooler. Attitude is everything - relax and let it flow. *hug*

  4. Thanks Andrea! We just started last week and now i don't have any time to blog...but it is totally worth seeing my 6 year-old eating up the fact that he is doing school :)

  5. BTW. I love your about me section!


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