I am a runner. Like a person trying to switch addictions, I tried to trade in weight lifting for running. It worked on my body - but not my mind. Standing here at the 60 day mark, I am 22 weeks away from the Lincoln Marathon. I am dissatisfied and a little irked at my progress on P90X. I really wanted to loose some weight!
So - here is where I bid farewell to the "program." I am going to start training for the Lincoln Marathon & Half Marathon on May 1, 2011. I plan to use P90X Yoga X one day per week on my stretch and strengthen day, and possibly Core Synergistics on my other strength training day. I plan to use Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half Marathon Training Schedule and repeat 8 out of the 12 weeks to make it a 20 week plan.
The last time I ran the Half Marathon, I was pretty burned out on running afterward. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. So my plan after that is to do another round of P90X. For that, I will be back here - blogging away. For now, I've decided to start another blog with a witty title about a Chubby Housewife Runner. Stay tuned for a link - or follow my other blog at:
;o) Andrea