Monday, December 6, 2010

60 Days

This post is my 60 Day report on the P90X Extreme Home Fitness System. I won't be posting pictures or telling you a glimmering success story. I have gained strength and definition. I have lost 2% body fat. I have gained 3 pounds. I can't see much of a physical difference, so neither will you.

I am a runner. Like a person trying to switch addictions, I tried to trade in weight lifting for running. It worked on my body - but not my mind. Standing here at the 60 day mark, I am 22 weeks away from the Lincoln Marathon. I am dissatisfied and a little irked at my progress on P90X. I really wanted to loose some weight!


So - here is where I bid farewell to the "program." I am going to start training for the Lincoln Marathon & Half Marathon on May 1, 2011. I plan to use P90X Yoga X one day per week on my stretch and strengthen day, and possibly Core Synergistics on my other strength training day. I plan to use Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half Marathon Training Schedule and repeat 8 out of the 12 weeks to make it a 20 week plan.

The last time I ran the Half Marathon, I was pretty burned out on running afterward. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. So my plan after that is to do another round of P90X. For that, I will be back here - blogging away. For now, I've decided to start another blog with a witty title about a Chubby Housewife Runner. Stay tuned for a link - or follow my other blog at:

Keep setting goals and moving forward!

;o) Andrea

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Day 59 - least I can walk now though.

Today I got a load of dishes done, and walked around the store for some groceries. That's it. The rest of the time I was on the heating pad and pumped up with alternating doses of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. Our 3yo always wants to run everywhere...I got 2 steps into an easy trot and was greeted by another back spasm.

Time is ticking...I need to start training for the Half Marathon in early January, so I NEED to be wrapping up P90X prior to that. I decided to just jump back in where I can tomorrow or the next day. I can't believe with all of the lifting, jumping, stretching, twisting and pressing that I do, cleaning up juice off the kitchen floor is what did me in!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Back on the Couch

Day 58 - Plyometrics, not

This morning I found out that our youngest son (19mo) is now tall enough to get his sippy cup off the counter all by himself. Unfortunately, I learned that during that split second in which I had already filled the cup, had NOT put on the lid, and was turning around to replace the container of juice in the fridge. *sigh* At 8:30 this morning, I was cleaning up juice from a lip-licking toddler and a linoleum floor. I've cleaned up a million such messes, but today when I stood up to toss the towels in the wash, something in my back went really wrong.

By lunch time I was on the heating pad and ibuprofen, and by the time my husband got home from work I was a fixture to the couch. I was just telling him how wonderful all of this muscle strengthening has been for my chronic back pain. I had even put the heating pad away for several weeks, not needing it much anymore. It's back - but let's hope my hard work has bought me a commuted sentence this time around.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lotsa Pile o' Push Ups

Day 57 - Chest and Back

Push and pull. I like this workout. It's very straightforward. Do a bunch of push ups, do a bunch of pull ups, throw some lawnmowers and heavy pants in there and hope you can lift your arms when you're done!

I counted 151 push ups and and 48 pull ups that I did over the course of this routine. I also burned 400 calories. I feel very happy and proud! I cranked out 25 push ups in my first set!! WTG, chubby house wife!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Day 56 - Rest or X Stretch

I took the full rest option today. This has been the week from Hades and I was ready for a day of nothing to try to "fit in." My dear hubby is home on Wednesdays and even picked up something for the troops for lunch so I didn't have to worry about it. Thanks, love!

I'm very apathetic about having 60 day pictures taken. I think I have more definition in my back, but I'm fairly disappointed with my waist and hip measurements remaining largely unchanged. I will confess - after the first 40 days of busting my ass with no change - I took 10 days or so to consume some sugar and saturated fats in varying forms. I didn't go to much over my calorie budget, but wasn't eating clean at ALL. That being said, that minor deviation from the plan couldn't thwart several weeks worth of work.

Conclusion = I have no metabolism.
Action = Press on anyway.