I was impressed with the packaging of the 12 DVD's. They came in a booklet style cardboard case rather than individual jewel cases. I read through the nutrition guide and was very surprised at the amount of calories allowed on the meal plan! For myself, I fall into the Level II category (three categories in all) and will be encouraged to consume 2400 calories per day. Wow! That's about 1000 more than I do right now. I will start with the Level I plan (1800 kcal) and see if I need more.
The meal plan is in 3 Phases similar to the South Beach Diet. On Phase 1 I will be encouraged to consume the following servings of the food groups:
5 servings of Protein
2 Dairy
1 Fruit
2 Vegetable
1 Fat
1 Carbohydrate
Three snacks are encouraged - two of which are desired to be a P90X bar and P90X Recovery Drink after your workout. I am encouraged to drink lots of water and 4-8oz every 15 minutes during my workouts. The diet sounds pretty standard. More carbs will be introduced in the second month and by the 3rd month the diet is 60% carbs to give you the energy to perform.
I followed the directions and read through everything. I watched the instructional DVD entitled "How to Bring It" and previewed "Chest and Back" to see what lies ahead for me in the morning. The program has me working out 6 days a week, hard for 3 weeks. Week 4 of the month is a "recovery" week where the workouts are Yoga, Kenpo, Synergistics and Stretch.
My dear husband is currently installing the chin up bar in the basement. It's designed to be used in "any standard door frame" but apparently, our home (built in 1920) does not contain any. The door frame in the basement needed some adjustments - but if I know David - it will be so sturdy you could hang a dishwasher from it. ;o)
There is a fitness test that can be completed if you doubt your readiness for an extreme workout. I can confidently achieve the minimums (3 push ups, sit and reach to 6in, jumping jacks for 2 minutes, etc). All but the ability to do 1 chin up.
One last thing to do - take my starting measurements and some before photos.
Tomorrow morning - Chest and Back.
Bring it.